The sap.ui.base.ManagedObject
offers many functionality out of the box
- state management
- data binding
- managed properties
- managed events
- …
sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/base/ManagedObject", "sap/ui/model/resource/ResourceModel", "sap/m/MessageBox" ], function(UI5ManagedObject, ResourceModel, MessageBox) { "use strict"; return UI5ManagedObject.extend("<PROJECT_PATH>.control.<NAME>", { metadata: { properties: { propertyA: { type: "string" } }, events: { eventA: { parameters: { eventParameterA: { type: 'string' } } } } }, /** * @class <NAME> * @summary <SUMMARY> * @extends sap.ui.base.ManagedObject */ constructor: function(sPropertyA) { UI5ManagedObject.apply(this); this.setPropertyA(sPropertyA); //Just an example to show that you can define a specific resourcemodel for the ManagedObject // this._oi18nModel = new ResourceModel({ // bundleName: "<PATH>.i18n.i18n", // supportedLocales: ["en"] // }); // this.setModel(this._oi18nModel, "i18n"); }, /** * @memberOf <NAME> * @description example of how to fire a event with parameters */ showMessageBox: function() { MessageBox.confirm("Lorem Ipsum", { //this._oi18nModel.getText("xyz") onClose: function(sAction) { this.fireEventA({ eventParameterA: sAction }); }.bind(this) }); } }); });
var oManagedObject = new ManagedObject("Lorem"); oManagedObject.getPropertyA(); //Expected output: 'Lorem' oManagedObject.showMessageBox(); oManagedObject.attachEventOnce("eventA", function(oEvt) { oEvt.getParameter("eventParameterA"); //Expected output: 'OK' or 'CANCEL' }.bind(this)); // oManagedObject.attachEventA(function(oEvt) { // oEvt.getParameter("eventParameterA"); // //Expected output: 'OK' or 'CANCEL' // });